Take Home More
Here’s How You Get To Take Home More With Tam Funding:
Quality, Price, Speed, Bespoke Options & Boutique Agent Service
Compensation: Flat Fee Only
It’s simple: Tam Funding’s goal is to be the lowest overall cost mortgage broker in California. By paying only a flat fee per loan with no hidden costs and charges means you get to take home the highest commissions in the industry. No minimum on your production and no caps on your earning. No other broker delivers the level of compensation and service that Tam Funding provides you. Tam Funding also offers your clients the lowest rates in the business. Tam Funding’s DNA is engineered to provide you, the agent the greatest opportunities for success possible. Join us, you have nothing to lose except your high priced broker bill.
The Lowest Rates
Tam Funding is engineered to focus as a 100% broker with no correspondent lending. Your clients receive the lowest rates and most competitive pricing possible thereby making you more competitive and able to win more loans.
Wide Range of Loan Options
From Conventional, FHA, VA, USDA, Reverse, Non-QM, Bank Statement, Proprietary/Hard Money, Commercial and more, you get to take control of your destiny while obtaining power over any lender or lender preferred offerings. Tam Funding allows you the flexibility to offer your client every mortgage loan type possible while giving you the leverage and freedom from onerous overlays or lack of appropriate products. Free yourself now and have your effort yield more closed loans with Tam Funding.
Industry leading marketing collateral and support for digital media such as videos, for print media such as flyers, and radio such as professionally produced spot ads are just a few of the vast array of marketing resources available for your customized branding and co-branding with partners. These marketing assets and more are available for you at no cost with Tam Funding.

How Tam Funding Works
Our Approach
At Tam Funding we recognize that we’re here to support you, the mortgage loan originator so you can keep doing what you do best-closing loans.
We have one objective: MLO Satisfaction
We have four goals for obtaining our objective:
- Lower cost and more profit for MLO’s
- Easier workflow with less hassle for MLO’s
- Fast and efficient turnaround for MLO’s
- A wide selection of lending institutions
Speed and Options
At Tam Funding our processors have a track record of closing in as little as 5 days. Tam Funding also gives you the opportunity to choose from either our in-house processors, our third party processors or if you like – you can continue to work with your current, reputable processor.
MLO Advocacy Program
At Tam Funding, we are committed to making the mortgage loan originator life easier. Here is our Mortgage Loan Originator Satisfaction Policy: “Tam Funding focuses everyone involved with the organization to be demonstrably committed to achieving the mutually beneficial goal of both mortgage loan originator and client satisfaction with four measurable goals:
- Lower cost and more profit for MLO’s
- Easier workflow with less hassle for MLO’s
- Fast and efficient turnaround for MLO’s
- A wide selection of lending institutions
Performance is measured by how well everyone within the organization and involved with the company prioritizes and supports the most important person in our business-the mortgage loan originator so they can satisfy the most important person outside of our business – the client. Tam Funding is committed as a company to constantly strive to keep measurably improving the level of satisfaction a mortgage loan originator is receiving and is always interested in input from all stakeholders on how together we can achieve higher levels of satisfaction for our mortgage loan originators.”
Cloud Based Solutions
Tam Funding is engineered to leverage the cloud at all touchpoints in order to free the MLO from drudgery, cumbersome processes, and unnecessary complications with the most convenient, easy to use solutions. From secure, personally branded digital mortgage applications available at no cost for all mortgage loan originators to embed in email signatures and MLO websites to final document archiving Tam Funding leverages technology and highly trained people to make your life easier and more productive. From simple data transfer to complex patented artificial intelligence, Tam Funding is an industry leader in technology.
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Get In Touch
Contact us to see how we can help you take your career to the next level.

Tam Funding.
Tam Funding is a licensed broker under the CA Dept. Real Estate: 02009074. Broker of Record NMLS : 1403204. Corporate NMLS: 1829222. CA Dept. Insurance: OL88065.
Borrower Conditional Approval is issued only when lender underwriting supplies a written clearance to do so. Borrower Conditional Approvals are conditional, not guaranteed and subject to lender review of all borrower information. The final funding of the loan is dependent upon all borrower conditions being met. Rates indicated are subject to market changes and may only be available to certain qualified borrowers. Tam Funding is an Equal Opportunity Real Estate, Mortgage & Insurance Broker
Equal Housing Lender
National Mortgage Licensing System