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Secured Borrower Portal Instructions

Agent Access Instructions

Create Folder and Share With Borrower

How Tam Funding Works

Our Approach

At Tam Funding we recognize that we’re here to support you, the mortgage loan originator so you can keep doing what you do best-closing loans.

We have one objective: MLO Satisfaction

We have four goals for obtaining our objective:

  1. Lower cost and more profit for MLO’s
  2. Easier workflow with less hassle for MLO’s
  3. Fast and efficient turnaround for MLO’s
  4. A wide selection of lending institutions


Agent Suggestion Box

Get In Touch

How can we make things better? What are we getting right? Constructive feedback is always welcome. We want to hear what you have to say at anytime.


CA DRE: 02009074 

NMLS: 1403204

Corporate NMLS: 1829222

CA Dept. Insurance: 0L88065