Marin County: Kentfield

Average Price For Sale & Sold Report: (Median Price Sold)

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CA Dept. Real Estate: 02009074. Broker of Record NMLS : 1403204. Corporate NMLS: 1829222.

CA Dept. Insurance: OL88065.

* All reports are published based on data available at the end of previous month. All reports presented are based on data supplied by BAREIS MLS. Neither the Association nor its MLS guarantees or is in anyway responsible for its accuracy. Data maintained by the Association or its MLS may not reflect all real estate activities in the market. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

What Does Average Price For Sale & Sold graph mean?

  • Average Price For Sale is the average of list price of the properties for sale in a particular month. Average Price Sold is the average of sold price of the properties sold in a particular month. Displaying both Average Price For Sale and Average Price Sold line charts in a graph portrays the relationship between on and off market pricing.

What Does Average Price For Sale & Sold Report Do?

  • It helps determine whether the market is a buyer or seller market. If the average listing price and average sold price are the closest, the area has the healthiest market.
  • It helps identify where the softest market is and where the buyer can find the biggest price concessions.
  • It helps determine if there is any change in property value for a specific area.

How to Use Average Price For Sale & Sold Report?

  • Refer to For Sale vs. Sold Report for the number of properties sold. If a very expensive or very cheap home has been sold, these statistics can be skewed up or down, and the trend line can fluctuate with less consistency.
  • If the average sold price is below the average listing price, and falling, the market is moving toward a buyers’ market. If the average sold price trend is up or above the average listing price, the market is moving toward a sellers’ market.